Sports’ betting is more than just insight and strategy. Modern sports have become the ultimate spectator arena, like in the days of ancient Rome, where the mob ebbs and flows with the order of the day, crowning champions on a world stage.
With the hype of sports permeating the International market and with the world shrinking daily, owed to the rapid advances in modern technology that has built bridges and connected posts to nearly every corner of the globe. We now live in a multi sensory domain with easy access to the world at our fingertips.
These advances coupled with the phenomenon of sports stars has made sports betting a culture, more than it is a pastime, punters from new Zealand should keep in mind that this culture is also influenced by currency, a value in life that many corrupt their morals and ethics for.
Professional Sportsmen Have No Place in Betting
The sports betting NZ market incorporates a healthy mix of all types of people betting on professional spots. One grey area still greatly misunderstood is the unethical participation of sports betting by professional sportsmen that play the game.
So, why can’t sportsmen bet on their own sport? It does not make sense to limit anyone from taking on a prediction-based wager. The sportsmen would not be able to control the outcome if he is not actively involved in the game. This is where the lines start to blur and punters from New Zealand and around the world will be eager to learn of the dangers that can arise from this type of practice.
The Moral Compass
There are many dangers that may arise from a professional sportsman betting on his or her sport. The sports betting industry is one of the most lucrative industries in the world and this opens the gate to may underhanded deals that could potentially suck the sportsman in.
The question of a personal moral compass needs to be evaluated; yet there is no way to plainly evaluate this kind of personality trait. With currency changing people and their moral compass it is better that sportsmen do not bet on their own sport.
Consider the scenarios, if a sportsman bets on his or her own sporting event it could persuade a change in performance ultimately resulting in rigged games and match fixing. This is part of the sportsman’s code of conduct and should be stated that it is not an accepted practice.
Games could be rigged and matches thrown for the sake of winning sports bets. This is the main reason that sportsmen are not allowed to be on their own sports.
The Sportsman’s Sway
If punters from New Zealand are wondering how it could affect a game that has nothing to do with the individuals game then consider the sportsman’s sway. Everyone has friends and connections.
Sportsman could be tempted to get friends in the industry to accommodate a quick fix sporting bet that could ultimately see the results altered for currency. If this were to happen devious punters could take advantage of sportsmen and woman, which could in turn lead to blackmail a dark hole riddled with obstacles and public scrutiny.
Scandal in the Air
History has proven that sportsmen cannot bet on their own sport. Famous sports betting scandals such as the eight paid White Sox players who threw the World Series for a quick fix. Rigged sports betting is present in all sports, the NFL has seen scandals as well as the soccer league, Bundesliga in 2005 with referee Hoyzer who fixed matches for his own benefit.
With a multiplicity of famous and infamous sports betting scandals it remains a rational decision to not allow sportsmen to be on their own sport.